
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Where church becomes FAMILY

You MATTER to God. You also matter to us. We're not the largest church in town, but that gives us an advantage. We're big enough to make a difference, but small enough to be personal.

There are a variety of ways adults connect with each other on life's journey at JCC. Many of them have an educational component to them because growing in our faith is important. But all of these groups focus on the relationships with others within them as well.

You'll be prayed for, prayed with, and accepted as an important part of the group. It's not because it's part of a program. We don't teach that part. It's who we are. We just really care about you!

Opportunities for Adults

Where do you think you'd find the best connection?

ABF Sunday School Classes

ABF stands for Adult Bible Fellowship. What this means is that the classes are for adults, they focus primarily on relationships with each other and use the Bible as the basis for those relationships and for learning. Classes determine together what they would like to explore.

Small Groups

Perhaps Sunday mornings aren't your thing. We get it. Our small groups choose their time to meet, location to meet and length of their time together. Sometimes they're focused on an activity and Bible study. Sometimes they're sitting around coffee studying a devotional book. Other times, they're accomplishing tasks and meeting needs in the community. 

Stuff for men. Stuff for Ladies.

We partner closely with many local churches and organizations providing relationship space for taking your next step in your walk with Jesus. Through the years Fight Club, Marked Men for Christ, Moms in Touch, Bible Study Fellowship and others have played a significant role
In the lives of our men and women.

Check out Fight Club 
Check out Marked Men for Christ
Check out Moms in Touch

Prayer Group

Prayer can change your life. It can also change someone else's life. We don't take that lightly. On Tuesdays at 4:00pm, we have a group that gathers specifically for prayer.  Everyone is welcome to come and participate. Prayers are offered for known needs within the JCC family and her ministries.  The group also prays for community, state, national and international events and situations.