Day Fifteen

Thank you for participating in the 40 Days of Prayer journey with us. If you are participating with the workbook go to pages 67 through 74 to fill in the video responses and your own reflections.

The following is designed for those of you who do not have a workbook, who don’t regularly worship with us, and who are located across the globe.  While you may not get the experience of being with others, our hope is that God speaks to you in some wonderful ways as we walk this together.

To watch Pastor Ken’s message live go to the 40 Days of Prayer link on Sundays at 10:45 am EST.  To watch the message at your convenience go to the appropriate sermon link found in the sermon archives.

Access the scripture for each day of the journey so that you can reflect on hearing from God and be challenged. Apply the scripture below to your prayer life and then pray as a result of this meditative process
There are patterns that can be helpful as we pray. Watch Rick Warren talk us through one such pattern for praying. This pattern builds on the depth of our personal relationship with God. Check out the video below.

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