Letting Your Neighbor Care
LYNC is a faith-based outreach ministry to families in the community. Children (3 years old and potty trained -7th grade) are involved in reading, games, crafts, music, and group time.
At JCC, we believe a large part of our mission is to support and serve the Jefferson Township community. One way we do so is by caring for our neighbors through providing a safe place for children to be cared for after school, some holidays, and during the summer while parents are at work. Kids are kept busy with field trips, crafts, movies, games, indoor and outdoor play. We also provide breakfast, and an afternoon snack for the kids on holidays and snow days.
We understand finding a good balance between caring for your family and maintaining your job can be challenging. That's why we're here: to help support you with part of that.
So you might consider allowing us, your neighbor, to care for YOU and your family! You might find that the extra help is just what you needed.
So you might consider allowing us, your neighbor, to care for YOU and your family! You might find that the extra help is just what you needed.